What is the bravest thing you've done for your business?

Brava Women networking Weekly hub

πŸ”₯ What is the bravest thing you've done for your business? πŸ”₯ This was the QOTD for our Monday meet up Brava Women Neworking

Each week we ask ourselves a question that can relate to our business or ourself ... We asked these questions as we dug deep ...
➑️ How are you showing up for your business?
➑️ Where are you not showing up, deliberately or otherwise ?

Here's a summary of what was shared
πŸ‘‰ Solid hours and boundaries
πŸ‘‰ Starting new business
πŸ‘‰ Teacher role
πŸ‘‰ Setting boundaries
πŸ‘‰Saying NO was hard but made us grow
πŸ‘‰ Longevity - staying the course
πŸ‘‰ going to Brazil alone for a training course
πŸ‘‰ taking a traditional in person business and working it out online and deciding to keep it.
πŸ‘‰ Investing 10's of $1000 and making I work - believing in self
πŸ‘‰ public speaking in person Vs mastering Webinar (and realising NO one could hear !!)
πŸ‘‰ putting up prices
πŸ‘‰ doing It all yourself and when to start outsourcing
πŸ‘‰ building in diary protection of self with time management and making sure no one "colour" dominates

lots of great shares
thank you to all who are all in and share - we all learn from each other - highly recommend you reach out to these amazing business women and meet our members

If you like the idea of a great community of women to build great connections and would like to enjoy a guest pass then please reach out or comment below
What do you think of our list?
Did you receive something different - we would love to hear it - please share below ...

πŸ“Œ Again a great discussion in small break out rooms - if this is something that you think you would like in our conversational networking then look for the information in the link below ⬇️

Once again a great discussion and if you would like to join us for a complimentary for one Monday 2pm -3pm AEST please contact me


What’s one thing that really helped you in your business this past month?


What is the best piece of advice given to a fellow business owner?